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Our Services


Tax Planning

Our firm offers year-round tax planning advice as part of our comprehensive financial planning services.  Robust tax planning is one of the most valuable pieces of a complete financial plan.  We start with a review of your tax return to identify potential planning opportunities to keep your lifetime tax liability as low as possible.  Then we work with you throughout the year, usually quarterly, to coordinate the tasks necessary to fulfill your tax plan.


Retirement &
Financial Independence

Your retirement plan should fund a long, comfortable, and worry-free retirement.  One with no compromise in lifestyle, and no concern about running out of money.  We’ll sit with you to figure out how much you need to retire and/or achieve financial independence (i.e. retire early or have the freedom to do whatever you want with the rest of your life).  And optionally, how to fund any of your other big goals in life (e.g. education, care for parents, charity).  We’ll then figure out how much you need to save and an estimate of when you can retire / achieve financial independence.


Investment Management

We build investment portfolios to be long-term focused, effective, and efficient.  Inflation, which averages 3.28% per year*, is your greatest risk to overcome long-term.  Every 20-25 years, you can expect that things you buy will cost twice as much.  In the long run, equities have outpaced inflation by a wide margin, and they are expected to remain one of the best real return investments in the future (Richard A. Ferri, All About Asset Allocation).  Our model portfolios are designed to grow long-term according to your risk tolerance.  We use a portfolio of diversified equities for long-term wealth accumulation.
*Source:, Bureau of Labor Statistics


Education Planning

We’ll review the educational aspirations of your children / grandchildren.  We’ll then design a plan for you and guide you through the set up of the accounts, most likely a 529 college saving plans.


Insurance Planning

The greatest risks to a successful financial investing plan are death, disability and/or catastrophic medical expenses, and loss of employment.  We review your current insurance plans to understand if and where there are any gaps.  Then we recommend options for insurance that are efficient and cost effective. 


Cash Flow Planning

When needed, we can work together on a budget to help you achieve your savings and investment goals.  We also review your cash reserves for emergency funding.  And then make adjustments, which are effective financially and cost efficient.


Cash Management

We review all your checking and saving bank accounts to see if there are any opportunities to make more money for you. 


Project Management

I have a unique combination of investment planning expertise and project management experience.  Because of the latter, I am able to arrange your financial activities into organized projects.  I then manage the tasks, which saves you time and stress.  I also keep your financial documents securely organized, so you never have to worry about finding or losing them.  Optionally, I coordinate with your accountants, attorneys, and insurance agents.

(425) 414-0954

371 NE Gilman Blvd, Suite 160

Issaquah, WA  98027

Important Disclosures: Kenney Investment Management LLC (DBA Kenney Wealth Planning & Management) is a Washington State registered investment adviser.  Information presented is for educational purposes only intended for a broad audience.  The information does not intend to make an offer or solicitation for the sale or purchase of any specific securities, investments, or investment strategies. Investments involve risk and are not guaranteed.  Kenney Investment Management LLC has reasonable belief that this marketing does not include any false or material misleading statements or omissions of facts regarding services, investment, or client experience. Kenney Investment Management LLC has reasonable belief that the content as a whole will not cause an untrue or misleading implication regarding the adviser’s services, investments, or client experiences.  

Kenney Investment Management LLC is not licensed to sell insurance products.  Kenney Investment Management LLC solely provides advice and recommendations on insurance policies.  You may need to contact an insurance professional to purchase insurance products. 


©2024 by Kenney Wealth Planning & Management. 

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